@misc{oai:tuis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000581, author = {矢作, 由美 and Yahagi, Yumi}, month = {Sep}, note = {細胞性粘菌は,周囲に餌があるときにはアメーバ状の形をして分裂を繰り返す.餌がなくなり飢餓状態に陥ると,ナメクジのような集合体となる.Keller-Segel系と呼ばれる偏微分方程式系が,その集合体形成の様子を記述する.ここでは,生物モデルとしてのKeller-Segel系を確率論的に再考し,細胞性粘菌を構成するおよそ10万個とも言われる細胞一つ一つの動きを,確率的点の動きとして表現してみたい., The cellular slime molds perform the cell division when there exist full feed around them. In this situation, they keep the form as ameba. After they eat whole of feed in their surrounding, they fall into starvation.Then, they are gathering and take a form like a slug( the hunger state). The Keller Segel system is the biological model which expresses the movement until the cellular slime molds fall in the hunger state and form an aggregate. Here, we reconsider the Keller-Segel system as a biological model, and express the motion of the cells from a probablistic point of view., 7}, title = {なぜ細胞性粘菌の動きは微分方程式で表されるのか}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヤハギ, ユミ} }