@article{oai:tuis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000582, author = {井関, 文一 and Austin, Tate and 水牧, 大地 and 鈴木, 頌平 and Iseki, Fumikazu and Austin, Tate and Mizumaki, Daichi and Suzuki, Kohei}, issue = {1}, journal = {東京情報大学研究論集}, month = {Sep}, note = {今回我々は OpenSimulator のアーカイブデータであるOARファイルをUnityに読み込ませるための変換システムの開発を行った.これにより,OpenSimulator を共有開発環境とし,Unityを通して容易に3次元空間の可視化データの作成が可能になった., We developed a conversion system to load OpenSimulator Archive (.oar) files into Unity. This system allows the user to load world data jointly created in OpenSimulator into Unity on a region-by-region basis, and to ultimately output the data from Unity in a variety of formats. These features allow us to treat the pairing of OpenSimulator and Unity as a shared development environment, which simplifies the low-cost creation of 3D spatial visualization data., 8, P}, pages = {81--87}, title = {OpenSimulator and Unity as a Shared Development Environment}, volume = {21}, year = {2017}, yomi = {イセキ, フミカズ and ダイチ, ミズマキ and スズキ, コウヘイ} }