@article{oai:tuis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000584, author = {藤井, 博英 and 柏葉, 英美 and 大山, 一志 and 松下, 博宣 and Fujii, Hirohide and Kashiwaba, Hidemi and Oyama, Hitoshi and Matsushita, Hironobu}, issue = {2}, journal = {東京情報大学研究論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {自死遺族のグリーフワークにおいて、青森県の特徴的な民間信仰である「イタコ」の、どのような支えが喪失による悲嘆を乗り越えることができたかを明らかにすることを目的に、イタコを利用したことのある自死遺族で1年以上経過した30歳代~70歳代の女性7名に聞き取り調査を行った。遺族は、イタコの口寄せによって自殺の理由を聞かされたことで、故人の人生に対する価値を見出すことができ癒された。また遺族は、【故人の生き様への共感】、さらに、【故人の加護や繋がりの実感】【相互の赦免の獲得】を経て、【生きることへの託宣】を得て、【心の浄化】ができた。, Consulting itako [blind female mediums] is the spiritual practice found in the Tohoku region especially in Aomori Prefecture. In order to research how itako helped clients assuage guilt due to loss from suicide, our study interviewed suicide loss survivors who consulted an itako. Itako were believed to channel the soul of the deceased, allowing suicide loss survivors to learn why the family member committed suicide. Suicide loss survivors were comforted by learning how the deceased viewed life. In addition, suicide loss survivors felt“empathy for how the deceased had lived,”they“[believed] that the deceased is protected in the afterlife and [they felt] a connection to the deceased, and they“[felt] that the sins of the deceased and [his or her] family had been washed away.”having received a“divine revelation about life,”suicide loss survivors felt that“[their] soul[s] had been purified.”, 1, P}, pages = {5--17}, title = {自死遺族のグリーフワークを促進する民間信仰の実態}, volume = {21}, year = {2018}, yomi = {フジイ, ヒロヒデ and カシワバ, ヒデミ and オオヤマ, ヒトシ and マツシタ, ヒロノブ} }