@article{oai:tuis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000585, author = {大山, 一志 and 藤井, 博英 and Oyama, Hitoshi and Fujii, Hirohide}, issue = {2}, journal = {東京情報大学研究論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {統合失調症患者における精神科訪問看護の目的の一つに、再発兆候の早期発見が重要な要素とされている。本研究では精神科訪問看護に携わる看護師が、統合失調症患者の再発兆候をどのようなところで観察し、捉えているかを明らかにするべく看護師への聞き取り調査を行った。結果、精神科訪問看護に携わる看護師は、統合失調症患者の病状悪化に、【生活様式の逸脱】【病的体験の増悪】【治療意欲の低下】【コミュニケーションの変調】が伴うことを経験的に体得しており、これらの局面から再発兆候をモニタリングしていた。, The early detection of relapse in patients with schizophrenia is considered an important objective for psychiatric nurses doing home health visits. In this study, interview surveys of home health psychiatric nurses were conducted to elucidate what they watched for when monitoring these patients for signs of relapse. The results showed that when monitoring for deteriorating health, through experience, they had learned to watch for deviations from usual lifestyle patterns, worsening of patient pathological experience, loss of interest in treatment, and abnormal communication., 2, P}, pages = {19--33}, title = {精神科訪問看護師が見る統合失調症患者の再発徴候}, volume = {21}, year = {2018}, yomi = {オオヤマ, ヒトシ and フジイ, ヒロヒデ} }