@article{oai:tuis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000603, author = {河野, 義広 and Kawano, Yoshihiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {東京情報大学研究論集}, month = {Sep}, note = {本研究では,学生の自立と協調を促す自己実現支援システムを開発している.自己実現のためには,自立と協調の精神が不可欠である.自分がどう成長したいか,どのような人生としたいかなどの価値観の明確化,信頼できる仲間との切磋琢磨を通じた相乗効果が求められる.本システムは,これまでWebシステムとして開発していたが,学生にとっての利便性や継続性を考慮し,モバイルアプリケーションとして開発したので報告する., Though proactive action is necessary for career building, it’s difficult to behave proactively for several students. The 7 habits is one of powerful schemes for proactive action choice. We are developing proactive action support system by visualization of quadrant II activities called Self-reflector. Self-reflector systemized the first three habits in the 7 habits. However, there were few frequencies for which the examinee uses this system, because this system was not applied to mobile use. Periodic and long-term practice is necessary to gain the significant effect of the 7 habits. In this paper, we apply the system to mobile application for promoting of periodic and long-term use of students, called Self-reflector-Plus. To examine our system, we have designed rubric to evaluate effect of Self-reflector-Plus. There are nine components corresponding habit 1 to 3 in the 7 habits., 5, P}, pages = {39--50}, title = {自立と協調を促す自己実現支援システムの開発と評価}, volume = {22}, year = {2018}, yomi = {カワノ, ヨシヒロ} }