@misc{oai:tuis.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000661, author = {時田, 礼子 and 岸田, るみ and Tokita, Reiko and Kishida, Rumi}, month = {Mar}, note = {看護師課程で必修とされている地域看護関連の実習の成果を明らかにし,看護基礎教育における地域看護学実習のあり方について示唆を得ることを目的にした。地域看護系実習を表す科目名「地域看護学実習」「早期体験実習」「公衆衛生看護学実習」等22個をキーワードとし,医学中央雑誌webを用いて文献検索を行い,該当した文献の実習内容,実習の成果や効果等を抽出し整理した。 分析対象文献は6件で,学生にとっての成果や意義,教員にとっての成果や意義,住民を含む関係者への効果や意義,今後の課題が記述されていた。検討結果より,学生が住民と直接関わる機会を組み込む,実習受け入れが保健師等関係者にとっても効果や意義があることを伝え,実感できるような工夫が必要であることが示唆された。, This study aimed to clarify the practical outcomes of community nursing practice, which is required in nursing programs, and to obtain suggestions about ideal community nursing practice in basic nursing education. Using 22 keywords, such as“community nursing practice,”“early experience practice,”and “public health nursing practice,”we conducted a literature search using the Japan Medical Abstracts Society(ICHUSHI)website, and extracted and organized the contents of practice, outcomes and effects of practice, and other information from relevant literature. Six references were analyzed, describing the results and signifi-cance for students and teachers, effects and significance for the people concerned(including residents), and future issues. The results suggested that it is necessary to incorporate opportunities for students to directly interact with residents and to communicate and realize the benefits and significance of the practical training for public health nurses and other related personnel., 5}, title = {看護学士課程における地域看護学実習に関する文献検討}, year = {2023}, yomi = {トキタ, レイコ and キシダ, ルミ} }